We need to understand that a Siamese, as well as all breeds, is an obligate carnivore that requires meat, preferably raw,The natural food for a cat is a mouse. Some people become upset about "chicken and meat byproducts" in cat food, Their cat would easily hunt and kill a mouse consuming everything except the. I adored Bali and feel I know her and how she must have been. , of feline health issues, raw meat cat diets and classical veterinary homeopathy care for cats.
Cats, unlike dogs, are strict carnivores,Their protein metabolism requires higher levels of meat and protein in their diet than dogs,They have a limited ability to. A Balinese is a Siamese wrapped in a long silk robe. , a lot of exercise and a good diet such as chicken wings and raw diced, raw meat is all that should have to. Although more finicky about food than dogs, as a rule, most cats are not picky eaters, mackerel, sardines, cottage cheese, chicken or meat flavored baby food. The common worms found in cats are tapeworms and roundworms are common in, If she is on a raw meat diet, or you gave her raw meat as a treat, she can.
Balinese,Another of those spontaneous mutations, this svelte cat is, cat's health and well being it must have a balanced diet of dry food, raw meat and bones. Carnivores are animals that have meat as the major component of their diet,Wild cats hunt and kill prey for food, so their diet consists of meat plus a small. Small Cattery, Traditional Siamese & Balinese kittens, hand raised with lots of, FeLV-FIV negative, written guarantee, altered, & fed raw meat grain free diet.
How to Take Care of Siamese Kittens
Introduce the kittens to the household gradually. They are likely to feel a bit overwhelmed and out of sorts due to the new environment. Place them in a quiet room with a soft bed, a small quantity of food and water and a handful of toys. Show them the litter tray and leave them alone for an hour or so. Siamese are known for their vocal abilities and their keen socialization skills. If they begin to yowl, return to the room and comfort them. Within a few hours they will be ready to explore the rest of the house.
Bring other members of the household in one at a time and closely supervise the introductions. Children should be shown the proper way to handle the kittens. Other pets should be allowed to inspect their new companions, but not for long and with great care. Many times an older pet has no immediate love for a new household member.
Feed your Siamese kittens soft proteins, such as about 3 ounces of cooked and mashed chicken, turkey or fish, mixed with about 1 ounce of boiled rice three times a day, until they reach the age of 9 months, at which point they should be gradually introduced to dry cat food. The Siamese breed is not known for its delicate constitution. Adults can exist quite happily on dry kibble, eating as much as they like without experiencing excessive weight gain.
Brush your kittens daily. They don't really need it, as Siamese do not, in general, shed much. But they enjoy the process and it helps keep fur off the furniture. It will also give you the chance to inspect them for any signs of pests, such as fleas, ticks or ear mites. Early detection can be crucial to stopping an infestation before it gets out of control.
Play with your kittens every day. Set aside at least 30 minutes to socialize with your Siamese. Frequent contact with you can help encourage appropriate behavior and will establish a solid foundation as your kittens grow into adults. Steer clear of play that encourages any biting or scratching.
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