A typical Bombay cat will display certain specific personality traits that many first , If you are a cat lover with cat allergies, the following article on hypoallergenic. If you're wild about your Bombay Cat, or if you know know someone who is, check out these great breed-specific gifts for Bombay Cat lovers. Female cats appear more susceptible,Environmental factors suspected of causing over grooming include flea allergy, boredom, food allergy, dust or pollen. My weekly food budget should be: N/A,Affordable Very Expensive, Will you or anybody in your family be allergic to me? N/A,No Yes,Is there space for me to.
We love our cats, but OH those cat allergies !, When most people think of cat allergies or allergies to other animals, they think of the fur that flies everywhere as. The care of Bombay kittens. , not feed it because it is expensive and has ground corn added, which is hard for the cats to digest and can cause food allergies. More reading on this subject can be found here: Should Cats or Kittens drink Milk,Other causes could include food allergies, worm and parasitic infestation and. What causes diarrhea for cats? ChaCha, Food allergies & food intolerances may also cause diarrhea.
, Bombay cats will live an average of twelve to t. Allergy to cats Cat allergy in humans is an allergic reaction to one or more of the five known allergens produced by cats.
Information on the Bombay Cat
It began with the ambition of Nikki Horner, a breeder from Kentucky, to produce a pantherlike cat. She meticulously bred a black American short-hair male with copper eyes and a sable Burmese female, which resulted in the black short-haired cat with copper eyes that is known as the Bombay cat today.
The Bombay retains much of its Burmese physical characteristics. The head is round and the medium-sized body is lithe and well muscled. Its short, glossy coat that it is famous for is jet-black to the roots--even its paw pads are black. The bright eyes with vivid copper color look conspicuous against the black background. No wonder they call the Bombay the "patent leather kid with the copper penny eyes."
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