net,The Kurilian Bobtail, a natural cat breed with some unusual characteristics, arose on the Sakhalin and Kuril Islands.
What Do Bobwhite Quail Eat?
Bobwhite quail eat a wide variety of natural foods. They can live very well on all wild grasses. Wild grass produces a lot of seed and, from the spring to the fall, seed is the staple of the wild quail's diet. They have also been known to eat the berries of juniper trees in the fall. They seem to have a fondness for other wild berries such as blackberries and strawberries while they are in season. They will will even scratch around in the leaves at times hunting for insects when vegetation is in short supply.
Many hunters and bird watchers alike ask about establishing food plots for bobwhite quail. Near farmland you could do this by leaving a row of uncut planted grains as a barrier between your field and the forest. This provides food and cover for the quail. If you're going to set up a food plot there are a few grains that have shown to be a favorite of the quail. Plant grains like partridge pea, kobe lespedeze, and grain sorghum. Quail also seem to favor Florida berggarweed and wild soybeans.
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