Pictures of cute Egyptian Mau cats and kittens. , White Cat Pictures White cat pictures often associate the color white with femininity, purity,Cheshire Cat.
How to Select an Egyptian Mau
Find a breeder who will guarantee that your Egyptian mau is healthy and does not have feline leukemia virus (FeLv) or feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV).
Expect to pay from $300 to $600 for an Egyptian mau, and up to $1,000, or even more, for top breeders and show cats.
Pick up and hold the cat or kitten to check for good muscle tone. Egyptian maus have slender, somewhat athletic bodies.
Make sure the cat isn't sneezing or sniffling, that its gooseberry green eyes have no discharge and its ears are clean and pink inside.
Examine the cat's fur, which should be short and thick, and free of dry flaky skin or bald patches.
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